Real Estate.

Interior Design.

Home Goods.

With over 15 years of working in Marin real estate, home design, and staging, we have integrated our skills to create House To Home. Our dedicated work ethic, engaging style, and enjoyable atmosphere make for a relaxing and rewarding experience in what can be a stressful and trying time.

Marin County is a beautiful place to live but what makes it truly exceptional is our community. We believe in supporting local craftsmen, home improvement professionals, and artists, bringing these unique elements of Marin together to beautify our community. Our local team of professionals is here and committed to working with you every step of the way, from finding a house to making it your home.

Give us a call at 415-608-7806 or come visit our storefront at 52 Bolinas in Fairfax.

Ray and Kristin

With personal attention, good humor, and compassion, Ray and Kristin Bakowski will help guide you through the process of all things “home” - selling, buying, preparing, staging, and design. Truly a power couple, Ray and Kristin’s combined skills can take you from planning to completing your home goals, and help keep you inspired and sane along the way!

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Ray has been working in Marin County real estate since 2006, currently with Coldwell Banker Realty, and has consistently been one of the top producing agents of the area. His integrity, work ethic, and communication skills make him a perfect choice for any kind of buyer or seller, whether seasoned or just breaking into the market for the first time. He is very active in the Marin community, with time on the Fairfax Design review board, and contributing and volunteering for many local foundations and nonprofits. Ray can be seen running or biking on Mt. Tam nearly every day!

Kristin was born in San Francisco and raised in Marin County. For the last two decades, she has specialized in interior design with her company meis design, staging homes for the real estate market, and designing theater sets for YES/Ross Valley School District. She greatly enjoys running the beautiful trails of Marin, traveling with her family, and creating cool spaces.

Come visit us.

We’d love to see you in person! Please visit our House to Home storefront at 52 Bolinas Road in Fairfax. Explore our curated home goods, furniture, textiles, lighting & accessories. We showcase local artists as well. Drop by for a chat and let’s make your house a home.